Adult Craft Sessions
Published: 20th October 2020
Our Autumn Wreath Virtual Session was a success!
We have started running virtual activity classes for the grown-ups! We had out first adult wreath making class last week where Kathryn, who you might recognise from our ‘Katie’s Garden’ sessions and ‘Out of the Meadow’, taught us how to use floristry wire to create our own Autumn wreath masterpieces as you can see below.
We have another two more Adult Virtual Craft sessions planned for November and December. If you would like to take part get in touch via email, Facebook, or text Katherine on 07772482330.
Adult Winter Wreath Making: Friday 17th November 2020, 11.00am-12.30pm
Adult Winter Centrepiece Making: Friday 27th November 2020, 11.00am-12.30pm
If you need any help or support with Zoom, please get in touch and we can give you the help and support you need so you don’t miss out.