James and his family need our help!
Published: 30th January 2020
One of our families would like our support for their son.
James has been recently diagnosed with Battens Disease, an extremely rare condition which requires treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Receiving treatment at Great Ormond Street means that James and his family will be required to travel there and back every two weeks. Although James’ treatment is funded by the NHS, they sadly do not cover travel expenses, which is going to cost in excess of £400 every two weeks.
In order to raise money for them, there are 2 fundraisers this week:
On Saturday 1st February there is a family fun day on at:
Bedeburn Kindergardten (Bedeburn Road, Jarrow, NE32 5AX)
11.00am- 2.00pm
~ Cake Sale ~ Raffle ~ Hot Dogs ~ Tombola~ Drinks ~ Games ~
And on Monday 3rd February evening
from 5pm til midnight
both floors in Life of Riley, South Shields will have:
~ Live Music ~ Bingo ~ Quiz ~ Face Painting ~ Cakes ~ Drinks ~ Arcade Room ~ Pool Table ~ Arcade Games ~
The funds raised from the both of these events will go towards travel expenses to get the whole family to Great Ormond Street to be with James, and help keep this very special little boy alive.
We would really appreciate any support you can give this lovely family at this difficult time. Get yourself, your family, your neighbors all down to support such a worthwhile cause!
And if you can’t make either of these events, donate what you can via the Go Fund Me page:
Thanks so much to all of you in advance!