Our Autumn Activity Programme is out now!
Published: 17th September 2020
As we are still not yet back to normal with our after school groups, we are continuing to offer activities for you to complete at home 🙂
We have arts and crafts of all kinds from Alice in Wonderland to Mythical Creatures. We also have a cooking club for you to get involved with and we will provide you with everything you need for a month of bakes and cakes. Then to burn off all of those delicious treats, we also have a running club where you can challenge yourself to complete 5k a month and work towards earning a monthly medal!
Have a good look at our Activity Programme and all of the fun we have on offer! If there’s anything you’d like to take part in simply fill in the consent form and return it to us via email (admin@styoungcarers.org.uk)
Autumn Activity Programme Consent Form
There’s something for everyone, whether you like arts and crafts, sports or cooking- get signed up for all of the fun!